Calendario de conferencias y eventos

501 - 600 de un total de 1713


01/06/2017 - 12:30
Servicios Administrativos en el IAA
La actividad científica e investigadora en el IAA, requiere el apoyo y soporte de gestión de las unidades de servicios administrativos. Estas se componen de los servicios económico-administrativos y los servicios generales (Biblioteca, Mantenimiento, Ordenanzas). Estas unidades gestionan los medios y recursos materiales, económicos y personales que el IAA tiene asignado. Se expondrá una visión general de los servicios, con la tareas...
Fernado Bordons, Gerente del IAA
08/06/2017 - 12:30
The Dynamic Universe: Adventures in Time Series Analysis
Modern astrophysics has revealed a Universe alive with explosions great and small. It is an astonishingly active place, far different from the serene “clockwork Universe” previously envisioned. Our tour of this dynamic Universe includes the active Sun, extrasolar planets and the search for intelligent life on them, the highly active relativistic plasma that is the residue of a stellar explosion in the year 1054 AD, dramatic x-ray...
Dr. Jeff Scargle
09/05/2017 - 12:30
Blender 3D, el programa definitivo
Blender es un potente programa multiplataforma que se distribuye libremente y es de código abierto. Entre sus aplicaciones más inmediatas está el modelado y la animación 3D, pero es un programa muy versátil que se puede usar para muchos otros propósitos. En esta charla presentaremos ejemplos de uso de Blender para la visualización de datos científicos y divulgación de la Ciencia; para la creación de diseños y piezas tridimensionales que pueden...
Dr. Francisco M. Gómez Campos
20/04/2017 - 12:30
Spatially resolved star formation history of CALIFA galaxies: Implications for galaxy formation
One year after the final data release of the CALIFA survey, I will revise the results obtained from the analysis of the spatially resolved stellar population properties of galaxies and their impact on our knowledge on galaxy formation and their evolution. I will do special emphasis in the more recent results on the spatially resolved star formation histories of galaxies obtained for our group at the IAA. I will show, in my opinion, the...
Prof. Rosa González Delgado
06/04/2017 - 12:30
Fractal analysis in pulsating stars: what is and what we can learn from it
I will describe the basic ideas of my line of research, concerning the develop of classification criteria and algorithms for the identification of delta Scuti, gamma Doradus and Solar-like pulsating stars, based on chaos analysis and multi-fractal analysis. In fact multi-fractal behaviour in light curves, which emerges at the onset of chaos, could be the fingerprint of the stochastic mechanism of modes excitation, due to an outer convective...
Dr. Sebastiano de Franciscis
27/04/2017 - 12:30
The large abundance discrepancy phenomenon in planetary nebulae
The discrepancy between chemical abundances computed using optical recombination lines (ORLs) and collisionally excited lines (CELs) is a major unresolved problem in nebular astrophysics, with significant implications for the determination of chemical abundances throughout the Universe. In planetary nebulae (PNe), a common explanation of this discrepancy is that two different gas phases coexist: a hot component with standard metallicity, and a...
Dr. Jorge García Rojas
30/03/2017 - 19:00
Galaxias activas: unas tanto y otras tan poco
Muchas galaxias del universo, incluida nuestra propia Vía Láctea, contienen en sus centros agujeros negros supermasivos (de entre unos pocos millones hasta miles de millones de veces la masa del sol). Pero en solo una pequeña fracción de esas galaxias, las llamadas “galaxias activas”, se activan en sus núcleos una serie de mecanismos que pueden llegar a ser muy violentos.
Isabel Márquez
23/03/2017 - 12:30
Detection of gravitational waves from space: the LISA mission
The idea of detecting gravitational waves from space has been under consideration for more than 25 years. In 2012, the advisory bodies of ESA decided that the next-but-one "large mission", L3, will be devoted to this. Launch is scheduled for 2034. In 2015, the Director of Science of ESA appointed an external committee, with Michael Perryman as chair, to advise on the technical feasibility of the LISA mission, and the technology development...
Prof. M. Perryman
16/03/2017 - 12:30
Space astrometry: the Hipparcos and Gaia missions
The talk will provide a short historical context and describe the scientific motivation for these missions, outline the essential experimental principles which underpin their measurements, and give an overview of the science objectives, including Gaia's expected yield of many thousands of astrometrically-detected exoplanets.
Prof. M. Perryman
30/03/2017 - 12:30
Star formation in nearby early-type galaxies
It is well known that there is little star formation activity in early-type galaxies. By cross-matching SDSS DR 7 with RC3 catalog and visually checking the SDSS images, we derive a sample of 583 S0 galaxies with the central spectrophotometric information. In order to separate nebular emission lines from the underlying stellar contribution, we fit the stellar population model to the SDSS spectra of these S0 galaxies. According to the BPT diagram...
Dr. Qiusheng Gu
23/02/2017 - 19:00
El Square Kilometre Array. O... ¿qué tienen que ver Einstein, Jodie Foster y 300 ingenieros?
Próxima conferencia de divulgación del ciclo Lucas Lara
Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro
02/03/2017 - 12:00
Supermassive Black Holes: Impact on Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Supermassive black holes, weighing between millions to billions times the mass of the Sun, are believed to power quasars and other energetic activity in the centers of galaxies. With the help of advanced telescopes from the ground and in space, operating across the electromagnetic spectrum, astronomers have now discovered that supermassive black holes not only exist, but that they are very common and play a critical role in the formation and...
Prof. Luis Ho
11 de febrero. Día internacional de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia
El 11 de febrero, por decisión de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, se celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia.
09/03/2017 - 12:30
Recovering information beyond the power spectrum of large-scale structure
Future galaxy surveys of the large-scale structure in the Universe will provide a wealth of new data and make it possible to use higher-order statistics beyond the power spectrum, such as the bispectrum (or 3-point correlation function), to constrain galaxy clustering, the standard LCDM cosmology, and many of its possible extensions. However, it may be possible and preferable to use recently devised alternative statistics, such as the line...
Dr. Joyce Byun
23/02/2017 - 12:30
The impact of environment and confusion of the observed HI galaxy population
The HI galaxy mass function represents a fundamental component of our understanding of the gas content of galaxies. How its form varies throughout the local Universe and as a function of redshift is key to developing a complete picture of galaxy evolution. We use the ALFALFA 70% catalogue, the largest uniform catalogue of extragalactic HI sources to date, to explore the environmental dependence of the HI mass function based on the projected...
Michael Jones
17/01/2017 - 20/01/2017
Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observation
26/01/2017 - 19:00
Meteoritos y meteoroides: ¿un nuevo grupo de rock(s)?
En esta charla voy a comunicar los últimos conocimientos de los que disponemos sobre los meteoritos y los meteoroides y su relación con los asteroides.
René Duffard
12/01/2017 - 12:00
Calar Alto, presente y futuro
Esta charla pretende dar una visión general del estado actual del observatorio de Calar Alto mostrando los principales hitos conseguidos en los últimos años. La re-apertura de instalaciones, la concesión de nuevas ayudas del MINECO para mejoras de infraestructuras y la celebración del workshop de instrumentación en Granada, ha abierto un nuevo escenario que el observatorio va a afrontar en los próximos años.
Dr. Jesús Aceituno, director de CAHA
09/02/2017 - 12:30
Molecular gas and dust in low-metallicity starbursts
Metal-poor, star-forming, dwarf galaxies play a fundamental role in galaxy formation and evolution, and according to LambdaCDM models may be the building blocks of most of the galaxies in the universe today. Although the interstellar medium (ISM) in such galaxies was thought to be virtually dust-free, over the last decade, observations have shown that dust can be an important constituent of even a low-metallicity ISM. However, the molecular...
Dr. Leslie Hunt
16/02/2017 - 12:30
Cold plasma and magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause boundary layer
Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process that permits the exchange of energy and mass between colliding plasmas, e.g., between the Solar Wind and the Earth's magnetosphere. Several studies have reported the presence of cold plasma of ionospheric origin at the magnetospheric side of the magnetopause boundary layer. As a result, the particle distribution functions involved in reconnection are far from equilibrium, exhibiting a cold...
Dr. Sergio Toledo Redondo
02/02/2017 - 12:00
Living on the Edge: Superthin Galaxies and the Cosmic UV Background
Superthin galaxies are bulgeless, late-type spiral galaxies seen edge-on. HI synthesis observations probe the kinematic structure of their interstellar medium. Observations of these isolated, quiescent galaxies have reached column densities as low as few x 1018 atoms . cm-2 . The simple structure of the superthins makes them ideal cosmological laboratories (Uson and Matthews, Astron. J. 125, 2455, 2003). I shall present the results of high-...
Prof. Juan Usón
15/12/2016 - 19:00
El Square Kilometre Array. O... ¿qué tienen que ver Einstein, Jodie Foster y 300 ingenieros?
Próxima conferencia de divulgación del ciclo Lucas Lara
Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro
24/11/2016 - 11:15
Azar y complejidad (coloquio en el marco del festival Cinemística)
Parece que el azar juega un papel  esencial a la hora de que en un sistema se generen estructuras complejas. ¿Qué se entiende por sistemas complejos?, ¿hay un aumento de complejidad en la naturaleza con el tiempo?, ¿puede un sistema determinista generar complejidad?
Enrique Pérez (astrofísico), Enrique Iáñez (biólogo) y Juan Manuel García Ruiz (geólogo)
II Jornadas de divulgación inclusiva de la ciencia
Un foro de encuentro para mostrar los proyectos de divulgación de la ciencia más inclusivos, compartir estrategias de enseñanza accesible, mostrar materiales y recursos que hagan los contenidos accesibles para todos y dar voz a científicos discapacitados que quieran compartir su experiencia investigadora
31/01/2017 - 12:30
Asteroid surfaces: irradiation and VIS-IR micro-spectroscopy in the laboratory
Primitive extraterrestrial materials, such as meteorites and dust collected by sample return missions, are characterized by a large compositional heterogeneity at different scales. This heterogeneity has been observed in the laboratory by different techniques. Among these, micro-IR spectroscopy has the advantage of being totally non-destructive and allowing direct comparison with astronomical observations. With the development of Focal Plan...
Dr. Rosario Brunetto
26/01/2017 - 12:30
Novae as Lithium factories in the Milky Way
The abundance of Lithium observed in very young stellar populations is ~4 times larger than the primordial one estimated by recent Planck measurements. Since Lithium is easily destroyed in stellar interiors, the search for astrophysical sources responsible for of the observed Lithium over-abundance was a mystery for decades. In this seminar I'll discuss the recent detection of Lithium in the spectra of two slow novae, V1369 Cen and V5668 Sgr,...
Dr. Luca Izzo
19/01/2017 - 12:30
Witnessing the birth of a planetary nebula
Planetary nebulae are one of the last stages of evolution of stars like our Sun. The beginning of photoionization, giving rise to a new planetary nebula, will certainly produce dramatic changes in the object, but this instant is difficult to observe, since it will only take a few decades. During of a long-time study of water masers in post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae, we identified an object (IRAS 15103-5754) in which we believe...
Dr. Jose Francisco Gómez
01/12/2016 - 12:30
History of solar activity recorded in polar ice
Un equipo de investigación internacional en el que participa el conferenciante ha reconstruido la actividad magnética solar de los últimos diez mil años analizando para ello la concentración de isótopos cosmogénicos.
Dr. Antonio Ferriz
02/12/2016 - 12:30
Multiwavelength analysis of PBC J2333.9-2343
Nuclear activity as is observed in active galactic nuclei (AGN) might be a phase occurring in all galaxies, and this activity could be recurrent. A perfect laboratory to test these scenarios are the giant radio galaxies, since their emission can be as old as 10⁷-10⁸ years. In the present work we focus on the nucleus of PBC J2333.9-2343, which called our attention because it is a giant radio galaxy that shows different and incompatible...
Dr. Lorena Hernández García
24/11/2016 - 12:30
Big Data at the IAA: main ideas and how to run a real application at the IAA computation cluster
A brief description of the Big Data paradigm is presented minimizing the technical details, reviewing previous work at IAA and showing a practical case demonstration.
Dr. Rafael Morales
Sesiones de divulgación sobre el azar en la ciencia
Cinemística. Sesiones de divulgación sobre el azar en la ciencia
17/11/2016 - 12:30
The CaII triplet in Quasars: from the accretion disk to the star formation
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) show a great diversity of optical and UV emission line properties. Dynamical and physical models should be built accordingly. The presence of strong FeII emission suggested the existence of a region shielded from high energy photons, where the low ionization lines are emitted.
Mary Loli Martínez Aldama
10/11/2016 - 12:30
Very High Energy gamma rays from AGNs: key for AGN structure and cosmological studies
The key for AGN structure and cosmological studies.
Dr. Josefa Becerra
09/11/2016 - 12:00
Star Formation Close to and Accretion onto the Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A*
The environment of Sgr A* provides a window to the close-up study of star formation under extreme physical conditions
Prof. Farhad Yusef-Zadeh
03/11/2016 - 12:30
A search for neutral gas outflows in nearby (U)LIRGs
I will present a search for outflows in a sample of 38 local (U)LIRG systems (51 individual galaxies) observed with VIMOS/VLT and SINFONI/VLT integral field units.
Dr. Sara Cazzoli
27/10/2016 - 19:00
Geometría y astronomía: cúmulos estelares
Geometría y astronomía: cúmulos estelares
Emilio J. Alfaro
24/10/2016 - 12:30
RadioAstron observations in the jet in 0836+710
Space VLBI observations with RadioAstron provide an extraordinary improvement of angular resolution.
Laura Vega
20/10/2016 - 12:30
The Unfied Model for AGN 30 years after, and recent support for an Evolutionary Model of AGN
I shall comment on the difficulties faced today by the so called "Unified Model" (UM) for AGN.
Prof. Deborah Dultzin Kessler
La 2 estrena el documental sobre UPWARDS, un proyecto para el estudio de Marte encabezado por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
La emisión, que tendrá lugar hoy miércoles 19 de octubre a las 18h, coincide con la entrada en órbita en torno a Marte del módulo TGO y el "amartizaje" del módulo Schiaparelli, ambos de la misión ExoMars (ESA)
04/10/2016 - 12:30
The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: galaxy formation and evolution, 13Gyr back in cosmic time
The first phases of galaxy formation and evolution remain poorly understood and improved observational constraints are needed to test the theoretical picture and simulations. I will present the results from the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS)
Prof. Olivier Lefevre
29/09/2016 - 12:30
Presentation of the HETH group (High Energy Transients and their Hosts)
HETH (High Energy Transients and their Hosts) is one of the youngest groups at IAA, founded in 2012, and belongs to both the extragalactic and stellar department. Thanks to recent success in funding applications, both by the group and by external researchers, HETH has now grown to a group of 7 young researchers.
Dr. Cristina Thöne
Visita de la Delegación de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía al Observatorio de Sierra Nevada
La visita se enmarca en un reciente acuerdo de colaboración para mejorar la calidad del cielo
15/09/2016 - 12:30
Proxima b: What could I say you already do not know about it?
This august, we have published clear evidence of a planet orbiting the nearest star to Earth, Proxima Centauri, at a distance of 1.295 parsecs (4.2 ly) and one of the best-studied low-mass star.
Dr. Pedro Amado
22/09/2016 - 12:30
Delving into the gas-phase of CALIFA galaxies to trace O and N gradients
CALIFA (Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey) has provided spatially resolved optical spectra of thousands of HII regions in spiral galaxies of the Local Universe whose properties can be linked with the integrated properties of the host galaxies...
Dr. Enrique Pérez Montero
El IAA acoge una jornada sobre la calidad del cielo
El cielo oscuro como patrimonio o la lucha contra la contaminación lumínica constituirán algunos de los ejes de la sesión. La jornada busca crear un espacio de encuentro donde los distintos agentes implicados en la protección del cielo andaluz intercambiarán conocimiento, perspectivas y experiencias
23/06/2016 - 12:30
Using the local gas-phase oxygen abundances to explore a metallicity-dependence in SNe~Ia luminosities
In this talk I present an analysis of the gas-phase oxygen abundances of a sample of 28 galaxies in the local Universe (z<0.02) hosting Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia). The data were obtained with the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope (WHT).
Manuel Moreno Raya
16/06/2016 - 12:30
Space VLB interferometer RadioAstron: status and results
The RadioAstron Space VLBI mission utilizes the 10-m radio telescope on-board the dedicated Spektr-R spacecraft to observe cosmic radio sources with an unprecedented angular resolution at 92, 18, 6 and 1.3 cm.
Yuri Kovalev
09/06/2016 - 12:30
Blazars: Order and Disorder
Blazars are the most luminous persistent objects in the sky. They emit light across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from low-energy radio waves to high-energy gamma-rays, and they exhibit variability on timescales that range from years down to minutes. The launch of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) in 2008 has ushered in a new era of high-energy astrophysics.
Prof. Nicholas Macdonald
Este verano, súbete a un observatorio
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) y el Instituto de Radioastronomía Milimétrica (IRAM) desea brindar a los ciudadanos la posibilidad de visitar el Observatorio de Sierra Nevada y la radioantena de 30 metros durante este verano. Ya puedes apuntarte
30/06/2016 - 19:00
La búsqueda de nuevas Tierras
En esta charla haremos un breve viaje por algunos hitos del descubrimiento exoplanetario
Cristina Rodríguez López
02/06/2016 - 12:30
Star formation and AGN activity in the most luminous LINERs in the local universe
In this talk I will focus on the most luminous LINERs in the local universe, where we studied their SF and AGN activity in order to understand the LINER phenomenon in relation to star-forming galaxies and to compare their properties with those of the LINERs at z ~ 0.3.
Dr. Mirjana Povic
30/05/2016 - 03/06/2016
Blazars through Sharp Multi-Wavelength Eyes
25/05/2016 - 12:30
ECS: Diseño y construcción de Observatorios Astronómicos
ECS es una empresa de ingeniería especializada en Observatorios Astronómicos. Realiza los pertinentes estudios y evaluaciones de calidad de cielo, logística y necesidades específicas, para ubicar y diseñar el observatorio.
Francisco Ángel Espartero Briceño
19/05/2016 - 19:00
¿Cómo se forman los exoplanetas?
Hasta hace relativamente poco solo teníamos un ejemplo de sistema planetario, nuestro Sistema Solar, y no podía descartarse que fuera un caso excepcional.
Mayra Osorio
19/05/2016 - 12:30
The magnetic field vector in solar chromospheric structures: the diagnostic potential of the near infrared He I 1083nm triplet
The solar chromosphere is permeated by solar structures such as sunspots, surges, flare ribbons, prominences (filaments) or spicules, where non-local thermodynamic equilibrium effects dominate the state of the plasma and where the magnetic fields are expected to be much lower in intensity than in the photosphere underneath.
Dr. David Orozco
Estreno en la Palma de "La velocidad de nuestros pensamientos" con motivo del Día Internacional de la Astronomía
El largometraje documental se estrenará el domingo 15 de mayo, un día después del día Internacional de la Astronomía el 14 de mayo en el marco de El Festivalito La Palma – Festival de Las Estrellas, dirigida por Nacho Chueca y producida por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC)
12/05/2016 - 12:30
Sgr A* and its environment: insights from X-ray observations
Almost every massive galaxy has at least one super-massive black hole (SMBH) at its center. Most (>90%) of those SMBHs are quiet. Understanding the accretion of low-luminosity SMBHs represents a very important and fundamental problem in astronomy.
Dr. Daniel Wang
05/05/2016 - 12:30
Formación Estelar: ¿podemos acotar el problema?
Mientras que la evolución estelar conforma un cuerpo teórico bien estructurado, incluyendo aquí las últimas fases de la misma, la formación estelar está lejos de admitir una formulación teórica predictiva que permita, conociendo las propiedades físicas de la nube molecular, pergeñar las propiedades de la futura población estelar naciente.
Dr. Emilio Alfaro
28/04/2016 - 12:30
The lifetime dilemma of evaporating black holes
The standard view is that black holes exist, maybe not with all the properties of strict black holes in classical General Relativity, but sufficiently close to them that one does not need worrying in the astrophysical practice.
Dr. Carlos Barceló
21/04/2016 - 12:30
Colloquium on ERC's proposals
Colloquium on ERC's proposals
Drs. Alejandro Luque & Rainer Schoedel
18/04/2016 - 12:30
Issues in star and cluster formation
The upper mass stellar initial mass function is similar to the mass function of young star clusters. I argue that this is a basic result expected when gravitational focusing on scales much larger than the Jeans length operate. I will also present recent VLBI studies of Orion which yield new distance estimates.
Prof. Lee Hartmann
13/04/2016 - 12:30
Young brown dwarfs: exploring the bottom of the Initial Mass Function
Brown dwarfs are the objects that bridge the realms of stars and planets, making them important benchmarks for testing star and planet formation theories. In particular, studies of brown dwarfs at young ages are crucial for understanding the mass dependence in the formation and early evolution of stars.
Lda. Koraljka Muzic
El IAA participa en Desgranando Ciencia
El evento de divulgación Desgranando ciencia incluye, en esta cuarta edición, un completo programa que abarca muy diversas ramas científicas, entre ellas la astrofísica.
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía participa en la feria del libro: programa de actividades
Este año, la feria del libro está dedicada a la divulgación de la ciencia. El IAA y el Parque de las Ciencias, con la colaboración de Hablando de Ciencia, han preparado un programa de actividades que tendrán lugar en la carpa de la ciencia
07/04/2016 - 12:30
CARMENES as a precursor for HIRES@E-ELT: First results at the telescope
CARMENES (Calar Alto high-Resolution search for M dwarfs with Exoearths with Near-infrared and optical Échelle Spectrographs) is the next generation instrument built for the 3.5m telescope at the Centro Astronómico Hispano-Alemán (Calar Alto Observatory; CAHA, Almería, Spain).
Dr. Pedro Amado
31/03/2016 - 19:00
Presentación del documental "La velocidad de nuestros pensamientos"
Presentación y proyección de fragmentos del documental sobre la luz titulado "La velocidad de nuestros pensamientos".
Emilio J. García
31/03/2016 - 12:30
Are LIGO data connected?
The analysis of ultra-precise data of stellar light variations observed with satellites (CoRoT, Kepler, SoHO, etc.) has revealed some unexpected results that cannot be explained by theory.
Prof. Rafael Garrido/Dr. Javier Pascual
17/03/2016 - 12:30
OCTOCAM: A fast multi-channel imager and spectrograph proposed for the Gemini Observatory
OCTOCAM has been proposed to the Gemini observatory as a workhorse imager and spectrograph that will fulfill the needs of a large number of research areas in the 2020s.
Dr. Antonio de Ugarte
10/03/2016 - 12:30
Shaking the grounds of unification: are type 1 and type 2 AGN intrinsically different?
The simplest standard unified models of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), put forward more than 30 years ago, postulate that the diversity of observed properties of AGN can be largely explained as a viewing angle effect resulting in anisotropic nuclear obscuration. A key ingredient of these models is a homogeneous distribution of dust and gas located at tens of parsecs that obscures the AGN nuclear region from certain lines-of-sight (the ‘torus’)....
Dr. Silvia Mateos
04/03/2016 - 12:30
Multiwavelength studies of massive stars
We will review the importance of multi-wavelength studies of massive stars and how each of the wavelength ranges may provide crucial and complementary information to characterize these objects. We will discuss the consistency of UV through radio studies of O stars, LBVs and WRs as well as the reliability of analyses based on a limited wavelength region.
Dr. Francisco Najarro
01/03/2016 - 12:30
Massive galaxy clusters: from relaxed to highly substructured
Galaxy clusters are important in cosmology to set constraints on various parameters, but they are also intrinsically interesting, since they allow to study many physical processes. The DAFT/FADA survey of 90 clusters in the redshift range 0.4<z<0.9 has allowed us to analyse several aspects of clusters, linked with their formation. We will present here our search for substructuring and its variation with redshift. For subsamples of clusters...
Florence Durret
25/02/2016 - 19:00
¡Rayos y centellas! Un recorrido relámpago por la electricidad atmosférica en la Tierra y en el Sistema Solar
Hace tres siglos, el descubrimiento de la naturaleza eléctrica de los rayos afianzó nuestra confianza en que la naturaleza podía ser comprendida mediante la investigación científica. Ahora sabemos también que los rayos afectan a la composición de nuestra atmósfera y que, además de en la Tierra, existen en Júpiter, Saturno y tal vez Venus, Urano y Neptuno.
Alejandro Luque
25/02/2016 - 12:30
Progress on the construction of the South African SKA Pathfinder (MeerKAT) and the African VLBI Network &The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP)
Progress on the construction of the South African SKA Pathfinder (MeerKAT) and the African VLBI Network &The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP)
Drs. Tracy Cheetham & Antony Schinckel
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Industry Day
Hoy tendrá lugar en Madrid la jornada informativa "Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Industry Day"
18/02/2016 - 12:30
Experimental simulation of the atmospheric ablation of cosmic dust particles: implications for HPLA radar and lidar observations
The inner solar system is full of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) originating from cometary trails and collisions between asteroids. The entry and evaporation of IDPs in planetary atmospheres is related to a variety of phenomena including formation of mesospheric metal layers and clouds, and stratospheric aerosol chemistry.
Dr. Juan Carlos Gómez Martín
¿Qué son las ondas gravitatorias, y por qué su hallazgo ha sido un hito histórico?
Mañana a las 19 h se celebrará en el salón de actos del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA) una sesión abierta al público para conocer esta nueva ventana para explorar el universo.
11/02/2016 - 12:30
The role of magnetic field for stability in relativistic jets
Relativistic jets have been observed or postulated in various astrophysical sources, including active galactic nuclei, microquasars in the galaxy and gamma-ray bursts. There are many unsolved problems related to the relativistic jets, for example, formation & acceelration, collimation, and long-term stability. The most promising mechanisms for producing and accelerating relativistic jets, and maintaining collimated structure of relativistic...
Dr. Yosuke Mizuno
04/02/2016 - 12:30
ORISON un proyecto de instrumentación astronómica estratosférica
ORISON es un proyecto financiado por el H2020 de la Unión Europea, dentro de la convocatoria INFRASUPP2, coordinado desde el IAA. Su objetivo principal es estudiar la viabilidad de una infraestructura de investigación basada en globos que permitan poner, a costes razonables, instrumentación de no demasiado peso (<500 kg) en plataformas estabilizadas, a alturas estratosféricas, del orden de 40km sobre el suelo, con objeto de conseguir metas...
Dr. Jose Luis Ortíz
28/01/2016 - 19:00
Polvo Cósmico. El tamaño sí importa
En astronomía,  cuando hablamos de polvo nos referimos a pequeñas partículas en estado sólido compuestas, por ejemplo, de silicatos o de distintos tipos de carbón. Podemos hallar estas partículas de polvo en muy diversos escenarios en el universo, donde su interacción con la luz estelar nos proporciona imágenes espectaculares.
Olga Muñoz
28/01/2016 - 12:30
Spectro-interferometry study of red supergiants
Red supergiant stars (RSGs) are cool and massive stars that evolve toward Wolf-Rayet stars and supernovae. They have extended atmospheres and strong stellar winds, which lead to significant mass loss. Currently, the mechanisms that explain the large observed atmospheric extensions are open to debate. The estimation of the fundamental parameters of these stars and their location in the HR diagram are very important for calibrating the...
Dr. Belén Arroyo-Torres
17/12/2015 - 18:00
Los enanos del Sistema Solar
En 2006 la Unión Astronomica Internacional definió el término planeta y planeta enano. Nuestro sistema solar ahora está compuesto de 8 planetas y 5 planetas enanos que son Ceres, Plutón, Eris, Makemake y Haumea. Esta charla estará centrada en la descripción de estos cuerpos, los candidatos a planetas enanos que existen y discutiremos la increíble diversidad que hay entre estos cuerpos. Durante 2015 dos naves robot obtuvieron datos sobre Plutón y...
René Duffard
14/12/2015 - 11:30
Challenges of the Doppler technique in the presence of stellar noise for the detection of Earth-like exoplanets
The Doppler method is still the most efficient one in detecting exoplanets around nearby stars which are amenable for further characterization. In particular, planets as small as the Earth can in principle be detected in hot orbits around sun-like stars (G and K dwarfs), and warm to temperate orbits around M-dwarfs (M<0.5 sun) in orbital periods from a few days to tens of days. Unfortunately, these time-scales are plagued with structured...
Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escude
03/12/2015 - 13:30
Presence and future of adaptive optics at the ESO VLT
In this brief talk I will present the current and near-future adaptive optics (AO) capabilities of ESO's VLT. I will report on a recent meeting at ESO, where we discussed science cases for future AO instrumentation at the VLT in the era of the E-ELT. Probably within the next year, the science cases for a 3rd generation AO instrument (to arrive at the VLT in ~ 2025) will be laid down in a white paper. The goal of my talk is to get the IAA...
Rainer Schoedel
La red española de telescopios robóticos BOOTES inaugura su estación en México
El proyecto, liderado por astrónomos del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), completa con el telescopio Javier Gorosabel su cobertura del cielo en el hemisferio Norte
26/11/2015 - 18:00
Marte: emisiones de metano, de agua y de noticias
En los últimos 12 meses se han acumulado varias noticias científicas sobre Marte de gran impacto y en cierta medida inesperadas, como el (re)descubrimiento de metano en su atmósfera, y la muy probable existencia de agua fundida en el subsuelo. Además se han sucedido propuestas pseudocientíficas como Mars One y el estreno de la esperada película "Marte" (The Martian), vestidas ambas de un aparente realismo científico.
Miguel Ángel López Valverde
26/11/2015 - 13:30
Following the posterior with the ALHAMBRA survey
The probability distribution functions (PDFs) provided by photometric redshift codes such as BPZ are a powerful tool for galaxy evolution studies. Despite of their potential, only a few studies in the literature attempt to use the full PDFs in their analysis and we are still learning how to make the most of them. We present the latests PDF advances from the ALHAMBRA survey, focusing in the estimation of the B-band luminosity function. We...
Carlos López-Sanjuan
12/11/2015 - 13:30
High Spatial Resolution 2D Nebular Abundances in Disk Galaxies
Galaxies evolve through the changes that face their various components such as the gas, dust, stars, and dark matter. Gas and dust are prime ingredients for the formation of new stars, and thereafter the massive stars newly formed will quickly modify the chemical composition of galaxies whereas low mass stars will take more time to contribute to the interstellar gas enrichment. Beside the stars, other processes occurring during the galaxies...
Laurie Rousseau-Nepton
Estreno del documental "La velocidad de nuestros pensamientos"
Esta tarde tendrá lugar el estreno del documental "La velocidad de nuestros pensamientos", escrito y producido por Emilio J García (IAA-CSIC) y Nacho Chueca, de Lipssync Media Lab, con motivo de la celebración en 2015 del Año Internacional de la Luz. El estreno, que tendrá lugar a las 21 h en la Biblioteca de Andalucía, forma parte de una serie de actividades de divulgación organizadas por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía para celebrar...
29/10/2015 - 18:00
Color y vida
¿Qué es el color? ¿Cómo se produce el color en la naturaleza? ¿Cómo usan el color los seres vivos? Veremos qué es y cómo se percibe el color: un poco de física, química, anatomía, fisiología, neurología y psicología son necesarias para entender cabalmente el color.
Enrique Pérez Jiménez
08/10/2015 - 14:30
Dissecting a rare galaxy merger (the Hummingbird) with radio and mm-observations
The Bird is a luminous infrared galaxy product of a triple merger. Previous infrared observations have shown that the ongoing star formation in the least massive of the components (the head) outshines that of the mprimary nuclei (the heart and the body). This clashes with the commonly accepted major merger scenario in which the SF is expected to be higher in central compact regions. Here I will present preliminary results...
Cristina Romero-Cañizales
24/09/2015 - 14:30
Test In Space, your opportunity to experiment in orbit
Traditionally, experimentation in space has consisted in limited, expensive, long-term and complicated projects with hard requirements and restrictions. Currently, new space increases the possibilities to experiment in space for researchers from all kind of fields and, with TEST IN SPACE, this is also simple and fast. If you are interested in investigation under real space environment, you can just propose it to TEST IN SPACE. TEST IN SPACE...
17/09/2015 - 14:30
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and the Expansion History of the Universe
The tiny inhomogeneities left over from the inflationary phase seeded the early Universe with primordial density perturbations. The photon-baryon fluid reacted to these perturbations by forming spherical pressure waves known as baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). These waves propagated through the primordial plasma until the Universe became transparent to radiation, effectively stopping the dragging of the baryons by the photons. This left...
A. J. Cuesta, on behalf of the BOSS Collaboration
11/09/2015 - 14:30
Untold Stories of Andromeda: A Multi-wavelength View of The Nuclear Environment in M31
The Andromeda galaxy (M31), which harbors the nearest LINER and the closest stellar bulge accessible in the optical, is an ideal laboratory for studying the physical regulation of galactic nuclei, and in turn the co-evolution of super-massive black holes and their host galaxies. I will provide an overview of the stellar and interstellar components of the M31 bulge, as well as its dormant but otherwise well-known SMBH, M31*. I will introduce...
Prof. Zhiyuan Li
25/06/2015 - 17:00
CALIFA: un legado andaluz universal
CALIFA es un catografiado de 600 galaxias cercanas que se ha desarrollado en el modo de campo integral con el instrumento PMAS/PPaK instalado en el telescopio 3.5m de Calar Alto (Almería). CALIFA es un proyecto pionero y constituye una muestra ideal para investigar como se forman los bulbos y discos de las galaxias. Los datos obtenidos con CALIFA proporcionan además un gran legado para la comunidad astronómica, y sitúan a CALIFA en una posición...
Rosa González Delgado
24/06/2015 - 16:30
Autoorganización, propiedades emergentes y algoritmos genéticos
La naturaleza tiene una forma muy eficaz de producir individuos capaces de adaptarse a ambientes cambiantes y de resolver problemas complejos. En esta charla hablaremos de como podemos inspirarnos en esto para realizar algoritmos que resuelvan tareas que de otro modo serían imposibles, y por el contrario, también veremos como con reglas muy sencillas podernos replicar el comportamiento de sistema muy complejos.
Pablo Galindo Salgado - Sala de Juntas del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)
17/06/2015 - 14:30
Into Darkness: the seek for pulsars in the Galactic Centre
Pulsars are highly-magnetized rotating neutron stars that emit beams of electromagnetic emission. They are unique astronomical laboratories, not only because they are the most magnetized, densest, directly-observable objects in the Universe, but also because they act as extremely precise clocks located all over the Galaxy. The variety of science enabled by pulsars is very broad, from, e.g., limits on the Equation-of-...
Pablo Torne
17/06/2015 - 09:00
Presentación y visita guiada al laboratorio de scattering del IAA
En el laboratorio CoDuLab (Cosmic Dust Laboratory) investigamos algunas propiedades físicas del polvo que podemos encontrar en atmósferas planetarias y cometarias. En esta charla presentaremos el laboratorio, la motivación del mismo y algunas de las muestras con las que trabajamos. Una vez acabada la charla se hará una visita al mismo
Jesús Escobar Cerezo - Sala de Juntas del Nuevo Edificio (IAA-CSIC)
15/06/2015 - 14:30
The influence of dynamics on airglow and constituents in the terrestrial mesopause region
In the terrestrial atmosphere, the mesopause region (~90 km height) is a transition region between the inviscid lower/middle atmosphere and the geomagnetically forced geospace. It is a region of strong dynamical forcing and where several constituents vary strongly with height one of which is atomic oxygen. Airglow, which is the result of naturally occurring chemiluminescence in the mesopause region involving exothermic reactions associated...
Prof. William Ward
