Source code for langevin

""" Code to solve the Langevin equation simultaneously with the FDTD. """

from numpy import *
import scipy.constants as co
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, splrep, splev

from fdtd import (CPML, Cylindrical, CylindricalCPML, staggered,
                  Box, Dimensions, CylBox, CylDimensions, avg)

X, Y, Z = 0, 1, 2
R, Z_, PHI = 0, 1, 2
TOWNSEND = 1e-21

[docs]class CylindricalLangevin(Cylindrical): """ A simulation to solve the Langevin equation coupled with the electron density evolution equation. """ def __init__(self, box, dim): """ Initializes a Langevin simulator. * mun is the electron mobility times ngas (a scalar). * ngas is the density of neutrals. Its shape must be ngas[nr, nz] but the r dimension can be broadcasted away (i.e. the shape can be ngas[1, nz] and we assume that the density does not depend on r. * ne is the initial electron density. Again, the r dimension may be broadcasted away, but in that case the array is expanded during the initialization. """ super(CylindricalLangevin, self).__init__(box, dim) self.ngas = empty((1, + 1)) = empty(( + 1, + 1)) # J is located along integer coordinates (all 2 components at the # same places). Hence we do not need to use the staggered class self.j = zeros(( + 1, + 1, 3)) self.e = zeros(( + 1, + 1, 3)) self.eabs = zeros(( + 1, + 1)) self.dens_update_lower = 0.0
[docs] def load_ne(self, fname): """ Loads the electron density profile and interpolates it into z. If fname can be interpreted as a float, uses that value. """ try:[:, :] = float(fname) except ValueError: pass iri = loadtxt(fname) h, n = iri[:, 0] * co.kilo, iri[:, 1] * co.centi**-3 #ipol = interp1d(h, log(n), bounds_error=False, fill_value=-inf) #n2 = exp(ipol(z)) tck = splrep(h, log(n), k=1)[:, :] = exp(splev(self.zf, tck))[newaxis, :]
[docs] def load_ngas(self, fname): """ Loads the density of neutrals and interpolates into z. """ try: self.ngas[:, :] = float(fname) except ValueError: atm = loadtxt(fname) h = atm[:, 0] * co.kilo n = atm[:, 1] * co.centi**-3 ipol = interp1d(h, log(n), bounds_error=False, fill_value=-inf) self.ngas[:, :] = exp(ipol(self.zf))[newaxis, :] self._update_mu()
[docs] def load_ionization(self, fname): """ Loads the ionization rate from a file. """ en, ionization = loadtxt(fname, unpack=True) en = r_[0.0, en] ionization = r_[0.0, ionization] # Here we allow out-of-bounds values but return inf. # The reason is that we may have out-of-bound values close to the # source but they are dropped anyway by dens_update_lower; # however, we do not want to go around carrying incorrect values, # so we simply set them to inf. self.ionization_k = interp1d(en * TOWNSEND, ionization, bounds_error=False, fill_value=inf)
def _update_mu(self): try: = self.mun / self.ngas = co.elementary_charge / ( * co.electron_mass) except AttributeError: pass def set_mun(self, mun): self.mun = mun self._update_mu() def set_dt(self, dt, **kwargs): super(CylindricalLangevin, self).set_dt(dt, **kwargs) # We set a cutoff to avoid overflows. # Following Lee 1999, we calculate now exp(-nu t) * exp(nu t) # which is 1 but only as long as the two exponentials can be # calculated. expnu = exp(where( * dt < 100, * dt, 100)) exp_nu = 1. / expnu self.A = exp_nu # Kp is K without the wp2 factor, which is the part that depends on # the electron dens. self.Kp = co.epsilon_0 * (1. - self.A) / self.A[:] = where(isfinite(self.A), self.A, 0) self.Kp[:] = where(isfinite(self.Kp), self.Kp, 0) self.K = empty_like(
[docs] def interpolate_e(self): """ Interpolate E{x, y, z} at the locations of J. """ self.e[:, :, R] = 0.5 * self.e[:, :, Z_] = 0.5 * self.ez.avg(Z_) self.e[:, :, PHI] = 0.5 * self.ephi.v self.eabs[:, :] = sqrt(sum(self.e**2, axis=2))
[docs] def update_j(self): """ Updates j from time-step n-1/2 to n+1/2. """ wp = sqrt(co.elementary_charge**2 * / co.electron_mass / co.epsilon_0) wp2 = wp**2 self.K[:] = self.Kp * wp2 self.j[:] = (self.A[:, :, newaxis] * self.j + self.K[:, :, newaxis] * self.e[:, :, :])
[docs] def j_(self, coord): """ Returns the coord component of j. """ slices = [s_[:]] * rank(self.j) slices[-1] = coord return self.j[slices]
def update_e(self): super(CylindricalLangevin, self).update_e()[:] -= (0.5 * self.dt / co.epsilon_0 * avg(self.j_(R), axis=R)) self.ez.v[:] -= (0.5 * self.dt / co.epsilon_0 * avg(self.j_(Z_), axis=Z_)) self.ephi.v[:] -= (0.5 * self.dt / co.epsilon_0 * self.j_(PHI)) self.interpolate_e() self.update_ne() def update_h(self): # We plug update_j into update_h of the general simulation. super(CylindricalLangevin, self).update_h() self.update_j()
[docs] def update_ne(self): """ Updates the electron density. Uses an implicit method, so we need to call this after update_e. """ nu = self.ngas * self.ionization_k(self.eabs / self.ngas) nu[:, :] = where(self.zf[newaxis, :] >= self.dens_update_lower, nu[:, :], 0.0)[:, :] /= (1 - self.dt * nu)
def add_cpml_boundaries(self, n, filter=None): super(CylindricalLangevin, self).add_cpml_boundaries(n, filter=filter)[:, -n:] = 0 def save_global(self, g): super(CylindricalLangevin, self).save_global(g) g.create_dataset('ngas', data=self.ngas, compression='gzip') def save(self, g): super(CylindricalLangevin, self).save(g) g.create_dataset('j', data=self.j, compression='gzip') g.create_dataset('ne',, compression='gzip') def load_data(self, g): super(CylindricalLangevin, self).load_data(g) = self.mun / self.ngas = co.elementary_charge / ( * co.electron_mass) self.j[:] = array(g['j'])[:] = array(g['ne']) self.interpolate_e() @staticmethod
[docs] def load(g, step, set_dt=False, c=None): """ Loads an instance from g and initializes all its data. """ if isinstance(g, str): import h5py g = h5py.File(g, 'r') box = CylBox(*g['box']) dim = CylDimensions(*g['dim']) if c is None: c = CylindricalLangevin instance = c(box, dim) instance.ngas[:, :] = array(g['ngas']) instance.set_mun(g.attrs['mu_N']) gstep = g['steps/' + step] for key, val in gstep.iteritems(): if key[:5] == 'cpml_': cpml = CylindricalCPML.load(val, instance) instance.cpml.append(cpml) instance.load_data(gstep) if set_dt: instance.set_dt(self.dt, init=False) else: instance.dt = g.attrs['dt'] instance.te = gstep.attrs['te'] = gstep.attrs['th'] return instance
if __name__ == '__main__': main()