VIOLENT STAR FORMATION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IAP NODE: Coordinator: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daniel Kunth ( - hereafter DK 33 (0)1 44 32 80 85 Participants: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Samuel Boissier, Jacqueline Bergeron, Michel Dennefeld, Michel Fioc, Vianney Lebouteiller, Alain Omont, Nicolas Prantzos Domain of expertise: -------------------- a completer... - Galaxy evolution, chemical and photometric evolution [NP,SB] - Observational study of starburst: chemical abundances, imaging - Surveys for HII galaxies [DK] - Stellar population synthesis [MF] - Interplay between massive star populations and ISM in starburst galaxies [DK] Proposed topics for research and formation ------------------------------------------ a completer - FUSE database and reduction tools - to be completed Details of some contributions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nikos PRANTZOS Chercheur CNRS (IAp) hereafter NP Galaxy evolution (chemical, photometric) - theory, models 33 (0)1 44 32 81 88 Samuel BOISSIER Post-doc a Caltech hereafter SB Galaxy evolution (chemical, photometric) - theory, models _____________________________________________________________________________ Study of the role of galactic winds and feedback in galaxy evolution ____________________________________________________________________________ The impact of star formation (violent or not) on the interstellar medium and the resulting feedback on star formation is one of the most important and less well understood aspects in studies of galaxy formation and evolution. In particular, since the pioneering theoretical work of Dekel and Silk (1986), the potential role of galactic winds, induced by kinetic energy input from supernova explosions, has been quite often discussed in the literature. However, despite a tremendous amount of theoretical (eg Efstathiou 2002), numerical (eg MacLow and Ferrara ) and observational (eg Kaufman et al 2002) work on the subject, this issue remains rather elusive yet. Recently Garnett (2002), based on observations of metallicity in gas-rich galaxies (spirals and irregulars) suggested that IF the initial stellar mass function remains constant, THEN galactic mass loss, PREFERENTIALLY of metals, HAS to take place; in fact, a preliminary calculation suggest that the metal loss has to be related (inversely proportional) to the gravitational potential well of the galaxy, the small galaxies losing more metals. This important result has to be substantiated both observationally and theoretically: observationally, by finding whether such metal-enriched galactic winds do indeed occur (e.g. through X-ray observations, see Heckmann et al. 2002) and theoretically by the development of galactic evolution models incorporating such effects; those models should not only reproduce the aforementioned observations, but also a multitude of other observational data (chemical and spectrophotometric) concerning those galaxies. Our team has a long experience in modelling the chemical and spectrophotometric evolution of galaxies, in particular of late type. We are using consistent models of galaxy evolution, with both chemical and spectrophotometric evolution followed by means of metallicity dependent stellar lifetimes, tracks, spectra and chemical yields. In a series of papers (Boissier, Prantzos et al....) we presented models of galactic evolution, CALIBRATED on the Milky Way disk and reproducing all the major observables of disk galaxies (Tully-Fisher relation, colour-colour and colour magnitude diagrams, metallicity vs magnitude and gas fraction, as well as star formation vs magnitude, etc). The success of the models relied mainly on the assumption that small disks are YOUNGER than massive ones. That assumption goes opposite to the one favoured these days by hierachical models of galaxy formation, which has serious problems in reproducing properties of present day galaxies, like the colour-magnitude relationship. It has been claimed that feed-back can cure all those problems, but detailed investigation (see van den Bosch 2002 and Bell et al. 2003) showed that such claims are not founded. Still, the success of hierarchical paradigm in explaing large scale properties of galaxies (Ref ) suggest that some baryonic physics mechanism managed to "invert the hierarchy": despite the fact that small non-baryonic dark haloes were formed before the massive ones, the baryons of the massive galaxies turned into stars before those of their smaller cousins. We intend to refine our models in order to study those aspects of galaxy evolution, in the framework of the proposed network; such an effort requires in fact to incorporate dynamical aspects in the models and we would profit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michel Fioc (IAP): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33(0)1 44 32 81 79 topic of interest: - Galactic chemical evolution, galaxy formation and evolution and Stellar population synthesis... and wish to benefit from (collaborate) - Detail studies of nearby regions of violent star formation, i.e. Giant extragalactic HII regions and HII galaxies - Dust enshrouded star forming regions. Aim to modelize realistically the extinction and re-emission by dust. Wish to be member of the network (partial time) Jacqueline Bergeron: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33 (0)1 44 32 81 94 Domains of expertise: --------------------- - connection AGN starburst galaxies - nature of the absorbed, X-ray type II AGN at intermediate redshift and link to enhanced star formation at z~1 - search for dust associated with the absorbing regions of type II AGN: mm luminosity, dust-to-gas ratio and star formation rate Involvement in observational/instrumental projects related to RTN ----------------------------------------------------------------- - PI of the XMM-Newton deep survey of the CDFS (0.5 Msec) - co-I of the spectroscopic follow-up of the Chandra CDFS sources with VLT-FORS (PI: G. Hasinger) - PI of the spectroscopic follow-up of the XMM-Newton CDFS sources with VLT-VIMOS - co-I together with A. Omont of an IRAM programme on the submm dust emission from highly obscured, high z, X-ray AGN (PI: N. Niruj) Proposed topics for research and formation ------------------------------------------ - connection between X-ray type II AGN and enhanced star formation at z~1 Main ongoing collaborations with other proposed node members ------------------------------------------------------------ - collaboration with G. Hasinger (and other staff members at the MPE-Garching: G. Szokoly, I. Lehmann) on Deep X-ray surveys with XMM-Newton and the nature of X-ray absorbed AGN Daniel Kunth: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33 (0)1 44 32 80 85 Collaborations within the network: with Terlevich'es (the Ts), T-Tagle, S Silich Miguel Mas-Hesse (INTA), I. Aretxaga, (no alph order) Students: Vianney Lebouteiller (FUSE data), Effrozini Rassia (ESO-Chile) Collaborations outside of the RTN: Goran Ostlin (sweden), Claus Leitherer (StScI), Petrosian A. (BAO) Melnick J. (ESO-Chile), Vanzi L. (ESO-Chile) Expertise: Dwarf galaxies, starburst, chemical abundances, massive star ISM, HST, FUSE, Emission/ Absorption, AGNs Ongoing projects: H2 molecules from FUSE in starburst FUSE chemical analysis of HI phase in starburst and extragalactic giant HII regions Lyman alpha visibility in local starburst Survey of H II emitters at medium z (ESO-WFI survey) AGN: stellar population in Sey2 Michel Dennefeld: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33 (0)1 44 32 81 16 - Star formation in galaxies, and its evolution with z - Intercomparison, and calibration of various SF estimators (UV, Halpha, IR,..); the role of dust. - Connexions between SF and nuclear activity Collaborations possible with Marseille (ground-based follow-up of Galex sources) Alain Omont: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33 (0)1 44 32 80 71 Domain of expertise: --------------------- Dust enshrouded star forming regions and AGN at high redshift --------------------------------------------------------------- Involvement in observational/instrumental projects related to RTN ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Survey of dust millimetre emission in QSOs at high z at IRAM 30-m Telescope - Search for CO emission in ULIRGs at high z at IRAM-Plateau de Bure - Participation in HERSCHEL (imaging and spectroscopy from 60 to 600 microns) Proposed topics for research and formation ------------------------------------------ - Relation between star formation and AGN at high z ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEUDON NODE: Mohammad Heydari-Malayeri: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33 (0)1 40 51 20 76 Proposed collaborators: Frédéric Meynadier (, PhD student Domains of expertise: - Massive star spectral type classification and study O-type stars Wolf-Rayet stars transition objects: Ofpe/WN9, LBV, B[e] - Massive star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds, H II regions HEBs (High Excitation Blobs) in the Magellanic Clouds  - Formation and Evolution of massive stars from observational standpoint Associated molecular clouds - UV-optical studies of massive stars near infrared studies of massive stars - High-resolution observations of massive star forming regions with HST and adaptive optics - Star formation in metal-deficient dwarf galaxies Proposed topics for research and formation: - The main domains of expertise listed above. Most of these topics could benefit from shared expertise with other proposed RTN members within and beyond ongoing collaborations. Main ongoing collaborations with other proposed node members: - D. Schaerer (Geneva), H. Zinnecker (Potsdam): Studies of HEBs (High Excitation Blobs) in the Magellanic Clouds - D. Schaerer, L. Martin-Hernandez (Geveva) Mid-IR observations of compact HII regions and young starbursts LUTH, Observatoire de Paris Section de Meudon: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grazyna Stasinska ( - hereafter [GS] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ phone: (33 1) 45 07 74 22 Luc Jamet ( - hereafter [LJ] possibly also: Hector Flores [HF] Francois Hammer [FH] Jean-Michel Martin [JMM] Domains of expertise: --------------------- - diagnostics from emission lines in HII regions and in galaxies in general - analysis of large emission-line data bases (SLOAN) - physical processes in ionized nebulae ionization and heating mechanisms - combined photoionization and dust emission modelling using self-made photoionization code PHOTO - modelling of the emission from shocks using self-made code CHOC - analysis of young stellar clusters - combined starburst-photoionization modelling Proposed topics for research and formation: ------------------------------------------ physical processes in ionized nebulae, photoionization modelling, empirical diagnostics at pre- or post-doctoral level Main ongoing collaborations with other proposed node members: ------------------------------------------------------------ - Schaerer (Geneva) , R. Gonzalez Delgado (Granada), Stasinska (Meudon/Paris): studies of metal-rich extragalatic HII regions (abundances, stellar content, IMF) - Schaerer (Geneva), Stasinska (Meudon/Paris): combined starburst and photoionisation modeling - Vilchez, Gonzalez-Delgado, Perez (Granada), Stasinska (Paris): the chemical composition of the inner disk of the galaxy M33 - Charbonnel (Geneva), Stasinska (Meudon/Paris): planetary nebulae to measure yields from intermediate mass stars ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SACLAY NODE: ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOULOUSE NODE: 27 march 2003 Coordinator: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Thierry Contini ( - hereafter [TC] 33(0)5 61 33 28 14 Proposed collaborators: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roser Pello ( [RP] Jean-Francois Leborgne ( [JFL]  Marie Lemoine-Busserolle ( (PhD student, near completion) [MLB] Johan Richard ( (PhD student, starting) [JR] possibly also: Emmanuel Davoust ( [ED] Domains of expertise: --------------------- - Chemical abundances in starburst galaxies near and far [TC, MLB] - Massive star (O, WR) populations in starbursts and AGNs [TC] - Physical properties of lensed high-redshift starburst galaxies [MLB, TC, RP, JFL] - Massive clusters of galaxies acting as "Gravitational Telescope" to probe low-luminosity distant star-forming galaxies [RP, JR, TC] - Interplay between massive star populations and ISM in starburst galaxies [ED, TC] - Detection and study of the first "PoPIII-like" galaxies [RP, JR] - STELIB: a high spectral resolution stellar libray for evolutionary synthesis models [JFL, RP] - HyperZ: the widely used "photometric redshifts" code [RP] Involvement in observational/instrumental projects related to RTN ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Partipation to the "VLT/VIRMOS Deep Survey (VVDS)" scientific program [TC, RP, MLB] - Participation to the EMIR (near-infrared JHK multi-object spectrograph for the GTC) building consortium. [RP, TC, JR] Members of the COSMOS/EMIR (PI: R. Guzman) science core group. [RP, TC] - Project scientist of the KMOS/VLT consortium. [RP] Members of the science team of this near-IR multi-object spectrograph "KMOS-2" proposed for the 2nd generation instrumentation on VLT [RP, TC] Proposed topics for research and formation ------------------------------------------ Possible in main domains of expertise listed above. For all topics studies at the pre- or post-doctoral level can be proposed. Most of these topics could greatly benefit from shared expertise with other proposed RTN members within and beyond ongoing collaborations. This includes both expertise with observations and modeling. Main ongoing collaborations with other proposed node members ------------------------------------------------------------ - Contini, Kunth (IAP), S. Arribas (IAC), M. Mas-Hesse (LAFF, Madrid) The starburst-AGN connection in nearby Seyfert galaxies - Contini, J. Vilchez (IAA, Granada) Oxygen and nitrogen abundances in nearby spiral galaxies - Contini, R. Terlevich (IoA, Cambridge), E. Terlevich (INAOE, Mexico), D. Kunth (IAP) Localized chemical enrichement in young star-forming regions - Contini, Leborgne, Pello, Lemoine-Busserolle, Schaerer (Geneva) Physical properties of high-redshift starburst galaxies - Pello, Richard, Leborgne, Schaerer (Geneva) Detection and study of PopIII objects - Contini, Schaerer (Geneva) Massive star populations in Wolf-Rayet galaxies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARSEILLE NODE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RTN "Violent Star Formation" Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille ======================================== Coordinator: Marie Treyer (ou Jean-Claude?) ~~~~~~~~~~~ 33 (0)4 91 05 59 76 : M. Treyer Proposed collaborators and Domains of expertise: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ email: Alessandro Boselli Jean-Claude Bouret Veronique Buat Denis Burgarella Jean-Michel Deharveng Lise Deharveng Jorge Iglesias Bruno Milliard Laurence Tresse Marie Treyer Annie Zavagno Domains of expertise: --------------------- - Physics of massive stars, stellar winds and spectral synthesis [JCB] - HII regions, dust, formation of massive stars [LD,AZ] - Relationship between galactic winds, Lyman alpha emission and Lyman continuum escape fraction [JMD,DB] - Tracers of star formation (UV, Halpha, FIR, radio, etc.) [AB,VB,BM,LT,MT] - Multifrequency analysis of star-forming galaxies [AB,VB,JI,MT] - Dust obscuration in star forming galaxies [VB] - Statistics of star forming galaxy populations [AB,BM,LT,MT] - UV imaging and spectroscopy [BM] - Optical spectroscopy, Halpha emission [AB,JI,LT] Involvement in observational/instrumental projects related to RTN ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Participation in GALEX (UV imaging and spectroscopy) [AB,VB,DB,JMD,JI,BM,MT] - Partipation in the VLT/VIRMOS Deep Survey (VVDS) [LT] - Participation in the EMIR (near-infrared JHK multi-object spectrograph for the Grantecan) building consortium [BM] - Participation in HERSCHEL (imaging and spectroscopy from 60 to 600 microns) [AB,VB,JMD,LD,AZ] - Participation in a HST Archival project aimed at studying the star formation history of the universe [JCB] - Participation in a joint HST/FUSE project to study high-redshift starburst galaxies, through an UV/FUV spectroscopic survey of O-stars in the SMC [JCB] - Participation in a VLT/UVES project to study the rotation and surface abundances of massive stars at low metallicity [JCB] Proposed topics for research and formation ------------------------------------------ Possible in main domains of expertise listed above, especially: - Evolution of the surface properties of massive stars. - Physics of stellar winds and spectroscopic diagnostic (especially OB stars) - Spectral synthesis and application to starburst galaxies (star formation history, metallicity) - Studies of the physical properies of star-forming HII regions - Large scale star formation from UV, FIR and Halpha fluxes  For all topics, studies at the pre- or post-doctoral level can be proposed. Most of these topics could greatly benefit from shared expertise with other proposed RTN members within and beyond ongoing collaborations. This includes both expertise with observations and modeling. Main ongoing collaborations with other proposed node members ------------------------------------------------------------ - Collaboration with D. Schaerer and C. Morisset on the modelling of nebular observations of HII regions, with state-of-the-art unified models of massive stars [JCB] - Collaboration with D. Schaerer on Lyman alpha emission regions using VLT/GIRAFFE [DB] - Collaboration with G. Hensler on the search for giant outflows in nearby galaxies [AB]