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You may also find an archive of news published in the media which are related with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC.


The orbit of a star around the supermassive black hole of the Milky Way confirms the validity of Einstein's theory of relativity
The star S2 draws an ellipse around Sagittarius A *, the black hole of the galactic nucleus, and its monitoring over twenty-six years has allowed studying the gravity in extreme environments. Researchers from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participate in the results, which are published in the journal Science
25th anniversary of the impact of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 against Jupiter
Between July 16 and 24, 1994, comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter. Every observatory in the world was watching this unique event in history.
Massive stars prefer high-order multiplicity over binarity
MONOS project studies the binary or multiple systems formed by the most massive stars
CARMENES finds two temperate terrestrial planets around Teegarden´s star, a small nearby star
CARMENES is a visible and infrared spectrograph that operates from the Calar Alto Observatory. Researchers from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participate in the research, which collected data from different astronomical facilities, including the Sierra Nevada Observatory (OSN)
TESS first light on stellar physics sheds light on roAp stars, the extreme pulsators
TESS data has allowed to find five roAp, a type of rare stars that shows rapid pulsations, intense magnetic fields and a peculiar chemical composition
The impact of a rock against the Moon during a total eclipse
The study of the impacts on the lunar surface allows to adjust the predictions of impacts on our planet
Hurricane winds in Titan's high atmosphere
Titan, one of Saturn's largest moons, is the only satellite in the Solar System with a complex atmosphere, resembling the primitive Earth. Very strong and confined winds have been detected in the high atmosphere of the satellite, where it seemed to be not enough energy to trigger such fast winds  
First results from the ExoMars misión: absence of methane on Mars and variations in water vapor due to dust storms
After a year in orbit around Mars, the TGO orbiter of the ExoMars mission (ESA-Roscosmos) reveals a surprising absence of methane and a relationship between dust storms and atmospheric water vapor. The results, published in Nature, were obtained with the ACS and NOMAD instruments. Researchers from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participate in the results, as well as in the scientific team that developed NOMAD
The Governing Council of Junta de Andalucía authorizes its Administration to endorse the Hispano-German Astronomical Center (CAHA)
El Consejo de Gobierno de la Junta de Andalucía autoriza a la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, en su sesión de 9 de abril de 2019, la adhesión de la Administración de la Junta de Andalucía a la Agrupación de Interés Económico del Observatorio Astronómico de Calar Alto (CAHA) en Almería. Esta decisión concluye con los requerimientos necesarios para poder efectuar la firma del correspondiente convenio
Astronomers Capture First Image of a Black Hole
Spanish astronomers from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), the National Geographic Institute, the Millimeter Radioastronomy Institute and the University of Valencia have participated in this work. This international study assumes a paradigm shift in observations of the supermassive black hole located in the center of the Messier 87 galaxy
A jet detected from the merging of two neutron stars
The merging of the two stars, which occurred in August 2017, expelled a large amount of material that has been observed so far by radiotelescopes on five continents
First formal meeting between the Minister Pedro Duque and the alliance of Severo Ochoa centres and María de Maeztu units, SOMMa
The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) obtainted in 2018 the distinction Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia joins the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which seeks to make visible the scientific work of women and promote vocations in girls
Observations of a rare hypernova complete the picture of the death of the most massive stars
A work, lead by the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) and published in Nature, studies in detail the death of a massive star that produced a gamma-ray burst (GRB) and a hypernova
The "planet-hunter" CARMENES studies evaporating atmospheres and water vapor beyond the Solar System
 Three studies with the infrared channel of the CARMENES instrument, developed at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), are published in the journals "Science" and "Astronomy & Astrophysics". CARMENES opens a door to the study from the ground of the composition of exoplanetary atmospheres, their escape processes and their clouds and aerosols      
A new instrument for studying galaxies in the local universe from Calar Alto
LUCA is proposed as a new generation instrument for the 3.5 meter telescope of the Calar Alto Observatory (Almería, CAHA). The project, conceived in the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), has been selected by the advisory committee of the observatory for the funding of the feasibility study, which is managed by the University of Almeria (UAL)
ESCAPE: Open Science and new paths in the knowledge of the cosmos at all scales
ESCAPE project encompasses some of the world's largest scientific infrastructures in astronomy and particle physics, for the development of a single digital platform for the open use of data. Funded with sixteen million euros by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 program, it represents a unique effort towards Open Science. The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in the project, for its key role in the...
The complex dynamics of the miniature ring systems of the Solar System
The finding of rings around Solar System bodies that are not planets, such as the dwarf planet Haumea or the centaur Chariklo, showed that these are more common structures than previously thought. A work, in which the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates, analyzes the complex dynamics of these miniature rings
The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) obtains the distinction Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa
The objective of the program is to finance and accredit research centers that demonstrate international impact and leadership
Super-Earth discovered around the second nearest stellar system
An international team of researchers, with the participation of the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) finds an exoplanet with three times the mass of the Earth. The exoplanet orbits the red dwarf Barnard, the closest star to the Sun after the Alpha Centauri system. The team has used observations taken in 18 years combined with the CARMENES planet-hunter spectrograph at Calar Alto Observatory (CAHA)  
The researcher Mirjana Povic receives the Nature Research for Inspiring Science Award
Researcher at the Ethiopian Space Sciences and Technology Institute (ESSTI) and associated doctor at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, she investigates the formation and evolution of galaxies. She works in the development of science and education in Africa, with special attention to the role of women, and has coordinated and participated in projects in Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya and Ghana
Researchers from around the world debate in Granada the latest advances in the observation of the universe in radio
The European VLBI Network (EVN), a network of radio telescopes distributed throughout Europe and Asia, with additional antennas in South Africa and Puerto Rico, holds its fourteenth symposium in Granada. Over one hundred and thirty researchers and technologists from around the world will discuss the latest scientific results and technological developments in the field of radio observation
CARMENES instrument gets the first exoplanet detection alerts from TESS (MIT-NASA) mission
It is expected that the TESS mission, developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and NASA, finds about one thousand five hundred planets around other stars in its two years of operation. CARMENES spectrograph team, located at the Calar Alto Observatory, has begun to receive the alerts in order to confirm and analyze TESS detections
The strange case of HuBi1, an inside-out stellar corpse
The physical structure of a planetary nebula resulting from the final evolution of a solar-like star is contrary to that of all other similar sources. A research led by IAA-CSIC concludes it resulted from a born-again event of its central star
An extraordinarily dense region tests the theory of structure formation in the universe
A halo of dark matter six times denser than expected has been found around a cluster of galaxies. This finding shows that there must be very effective mechanisms, not considered until now, for the accumulation of matter around the great structures that populate the universe
The atmosphere of Kelt-9b, the hottest known planet, is being dragged towards its star
Similar to Jupiter, Kelt-9 is hotter than some stars. Thanks to the CARMENES instrument at Calar Alto Observatory, astronomers detected an extensive hydrogen envelope around Kelt-9b that escapes and is being captured by the star
Spain joins the SKA Organisation
SKA is a worldwide scientific and technological project to build the largest radio telescope in the world. The Spanish participation has been led by the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC)
The star distribution in clusters is established long before stars begin to shine
The analysis of the Pipa nebula, a region of very early star formation, has confirmed that the density of the pre-stellar nuclei determines the geometry of the clusters
Astronomers See Distant Eruption as Black Hole Destroys Star
First observation of the formation and expansion of a jet of material expelled by a supermassive black hole after destroying a star. The work, led by the University of Turku and the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), is published in the journal Science
The strange objects at the center of our galaxy: clouds of gas that behave like stars
They could be stars blowted by the extreme gravity conditions around Sagittarius A *, the supermassive black hole at the galactic center. The results obtained on three of these objects after eleven years of observations with the Keck telescope (Hawaii) have been presented at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS)
The IAA, the only Spanish institution involved in JUICE (ESA), finishes the engineering phase of its contribution to the mission
JUICE, a mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) that will be launched in 2022, will study Jupiter and its moons to analyze the possibilities of the development of life around the gas giant planets. The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in two of the instruments of the mission, the GALA laser altimeter and the JANUS camera
Gigantic gas outflow generated by numerous supernova explosions detected in Arp 299-A galaxy
Arp 299-A galaxy, which is in the process of merging with another galaxy (Arp299-B), is notable for its intense starbursts and its high rate of supernova production. New observations in radio have allowed to detect a filamentary structure that emanates from the nucleus, which is interpreted as a flow of gas at high speed
A Study Links Night Exposure to Blue Light with Breast and Prostate Cancer
Researchers used images taken by astronauts to evaluate outdoor lighting in Madrid and Barcelona
SpaceX Launches ASIM mission (ESA), to study electric discharges in the upper atmosphere from the International Space Station
The launch of the mission took place yesterday, April 2 at 22:30 from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida (USA). The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) participates in the analysis of mission data and through ground support with its own instruments
From Mars Express to Exomars: a complete review of the red planet
While waiting for the first data from the ExoMars 2016 TGO mission (ESA), international experts on the red planet meet in Madrid to review some current challenges and to prepare for the arrival and scientific exploitation of ExoMars
POLAMI: a project to unravel the secrets of the supermassive black holes at the center of the galaxies
Coordinated by the IAA, it brings together more than twenty researchers from five countries and is the first project of its kind: a long term study of the active galactic nuclei in polarized light
Solving the Dark Energy Mystery: A New Assignment for a 45-Year-Old Telescope
Kitt Peak National Observatory Prepares for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia joins the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which seeks to make visible the scientific work of women and promote vocations in girls
Library of galaxy histories reconstructed from motions of stars
The CALIFA survey allows to map the orbits of the stars of a sample of 300 galaxies, a fundamental information to know how they formed and evolved
CARMENES instrument finds its first exoplanet
The planet HD 147379 b, with a mass slightly higher than Neptune, orbits a very close star
Artificially lit surfaces on Earth increase more than 2% per year
Light pollution, produced mainly by excessive night lighting or incorrect lighting, is an energy waste that endangers human health and ecosystems. Between 2012 and 2016 artificial night lighting has increased by 9.1%, despite the use of more efficient lighting systems
MultiDark-Galaxies: a free access virtual universe
An international team of astronomers has created a theoretical model that allows to recreate, in a broad and detailed way, the formation and evolution of the universe. The work provides an unprecedented test bench for new theories about the cosmos
The merging of two neutron stars allows the first simultaneous study in light and gravitational waves
This is the fifth detection of gravitational waves, but the first in which the counterpart in electromagnetic waves is located and studied. Researchers at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) take part in several international studies on the phenomenon
Haumea, the most peculiar of Pluto companions, has a ring around it
The trans-neptunian belt contains four dwarf planets, among which Haumea stands out for its extremely elongated shape and rapid rotation. A stellar occultation makes it possible to establish main physical characteristics of heretofore this little known body – among which most surprising was presence of a ring  
CARMENES instrument proves its ability to find Earth-like planets
CARMENES, a visible and infrared spectrograph operating from the Calar Alto observatory (Almeria), is studying a sample of three hundred stars in search of Earth-like planets. The first results of the visible channel, derived from the study of seven planetary systems, show its perfect functioning
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), which will observe the most energetic universe from Chile and La Palma, publishes its scientific objectives
With more than a hundred telescopes, the CTA is the largest project of study of the cosmos to high energies conceived. The project, which involves the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), is under construction and will start operating in 2024
The unprecedented view of an exoplanet´s atmosphere
Using the FORS2 instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope, astronomers have detected for the first time the presence of a metal oxide in the atmosphere of an exoplanet. This discovery opens the doors for detailed study of chemistry in exoplanetary atmospheres
The IAA will lead two of the five most advanced studies on supermassive black holes in 2018
The 66 antennas of the ALMA observatory join the Horizon of Events (EHT) telescope for the study of supermassive black holes. Five observation proposals have been approved for 2018, two of them coordinated by the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC)
First light for MEGARA instrument on the Gran Telescopio Canarias
The new 3D spectroscopy instrument, in which the IAA-CSIC participates, will make its first observations next Monday
