Headlines and events archive

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You may also find an archive of news published in the media which are related with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC.


NGC 1624 observed in h-alfa 16/07/2012
A massive star with the most intense magnetic field yet seen
The star's magnetic field, 20.000 times stronger than the Sun's, is slowing the star's rotation  
Overview of SKA 28/06/2012
A green look to the sky
The Spanish astronomy, technological centers and companies come together in the international project SKA, a network of radioastronomy sensors on a continental scale  
Milky way, from ESO facilities 12/06/2012
Gaia-ESO: a revolution in our understanding of the Milky Way and stellar evolution
Gaia-ESO, one of the largest and most ambitious ground-based surveys, will study 100.000 stars in our Galaxy  
Block of ice 04/06/2012
The most comprehensive global study on the ice
The IAA has been involved in the most comprehensive study to date on the ice. The work, which involved 17 scientists from 11 countries collected what are the current issues that exist in this field of research  
OSN panoramic 31/05/2012
Sierra Nevada Observatory opens its doors
Guided tours to the Sierra Nevada Observatory and the Institute of Millimeter Radio Astronomy  
Broken planetary nebula 11/04/2012
NGC 6778: formation and disruption of a planetary nebula
NGC 6778 shows fast collimated outflows which probably resulted in the disruption of the nebular shell and equatorial ring  
Tesla's blog 09/04/2012
The mysterious legacy of Nikola Tesla finally comes to light
The Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA-CSIC), one of five institutions selected to spread the material  
First light of Chinese BOOTES 19/03/2012
The Spanish network of robotic telescopes BOOTES opens its station in China
The project, led by astronomers at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, already has two stations in Spain and one in New Zealand  
OSN 14/02/2012
Advances for the protection of the sky at Andalusian observatories
The Ministry for the Environment of the Regional Government of Andalusia has just established the influence area of Sierra Nevada and Calar Alto Observatories  
SXP 1062 Pulsar and its remanent 18/12/2011
A pulsar too slow for its age
It is one of the slowest pulsars known, and its slowness seems incompatible with its age  
High speed rotators 13/12/2011
Solved the problem of measuring the temperature of the flattened stars
To measure the temperature of the flattened stars is used a theorem that it has now been shown that it is incomplete  
Hypernova gamma-ray burst illustration (www.astronomy.com) 01/12/2011
Stars have found a new way to die
A peculiar burst detected on Christmas Day 2010 points to the merger of two stars, a neutron star and an evolved red giant, after going through a common-envelope stage.  
Electrical atmospheric phenomenons 13/11/2011
Found the key to complete the models of the "sprites" in the upper atmosphere
IAA scientists have found the reason why sometimes these flashes occur with some delay with respect to the lightning that triggers  
Image of Lutetia taken by ROSETTA mission 27/10/2011
Lutetia gives clues about the origin of the Solar System
The asteroid pictures come from Rosetta show that it is a primitive Solar System Object  
Artistic view of ERIS exoplanet 26/10/2011
The dwarf planet Eris could be smaller than Pluto
It has used the occultation of a star by Eris to determine its size accurately
Image comet Sheila 21/09/2011
The tail of the Scheila asteroid was due to a probable collision event
In 2010, the Scheila asteroid showed like a comet, with a well defined tail that disappeared in a few days. IAA astronomers analyzed the event and attributed to a probable collision event
