The meeting focuses (but is not limited to) results of the five SOLARIS-HEPPA working groups (
WG1 (Stratospheric Signal): Analysis of the solar irradiance and particle effects on the stratosphere in both historical (1960-2010) (or REF-C1) and future (2010-2100) (or REF-C2) simulations of the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) simulations.
WG2 (Surface Signal): Analysis of the solar irradiance and particle effects on surface climate in CCMI REF-C1, REF-C2 simulations with a particular interest on atmosphere ocean coupling processes.
WG3 (Comparison with (satellite) observations): Comparison of the observed solar with the specified dynamics CCMI experiments (REF-C1SD) covering the satellite era from 1980-2010.
WG4 (Methodological Analysis): Assessment of existing statistical approaches to analyze solar signals in model and observational data with, as a first step, a special focus on Multiple Linear Regression techniques.
WG5 (Medium Energy Electrons (MEE) Model-Measurement intercomparison): Comparison of observed chemical responses to MEEs in the mesosphere with available model simulations that account for MEE ionization.
For this meeting, only invited and contributed oral presentations are planned (i.e., no poster presentations). Sufficient time will be allocated for discussions on individual WG results as well as for a general discussion on SOLARIS-HEPPA research.
Limited funds for travel support for early career scientists (PhD students and Postdocs within 4 years after your PhD) have been made available by SPARC/WRCP. Please let us know as soon as possible (but not later than 15 July 2019) if you would like to apply for support (by sending an email to bernd ”at“ ).