IAA International Office

This office is in charge of:
  • collecting information about international financial projects and resources (including H2020, ERC grants, ESO, ESA) keeping an always updated database at the IAA
  • encouraging and supporting outstanding IAA scientists to apply for funds provided by national and international agencies, in particular concerning the European H2020 programs and the grants issued by the European Research Council.

The support is focused on the budget definition, the preparation of a complete and attractive institutional information, and the support for the preparation of a competitive research proposal. An internal committee, the H2020 Advisory Body, will be created in the institute to provide support in the evaluation of ideas, the conception of proposals, and the final presentation. The main goal of the International Office is to improve the fund raising level of the centre by securing funds beyond the support already provided by national and international grants. The goal is to increase further the rate of international financing through access to new and varied sources of funding (H2020, ESA, ERC, etc.) and access to resources (consortia for missions, access to infrastructure, etc.).



“The Fingerprint of a Galactic Nucleus: A Multi-Wavelength, High-Angular Resolution, Near-Infrared Study of the Centre of the Milky Way”
PI: R. Schoedel (IAA)
“Lightning propagation and high-energy emissions within coupled multi-model simulations”
PI: A. Luque (IAA)
"PREparatory phase for European Solar Telescope (PRE-EST)"
PI IAA: L. Bellot Rubio
Date: 04/2017-04/2021
“UPWARDS: Understanding Planet Mars With Advanced Remote-sensing Datasets and Synergetistic Studies”
PI: MA López Valverde (IAA), Coordinator
Date: 03/2015-02/2018
“Getting Ready for EST (GREST)”
PI IAA: JC del Toro
Date: 06/2015-05/2018
“ORISON: Innovative infrastructure for astronomical research based on stratospheric balloons”
PI: JL Ortiz (IAA), Coordinator
Date: 02/2016-07/2017
“Small Bodies: Near and Far (SBNAF)”
PI IAA: R. Duffard
Date: 04/2016-03/2019
“Science and Innovation with thunderstorms”
PI IAA: F. Gordillo
Date: 2017/2020
“SOLARNET High-Resolution Solar Physics Network”
PI IAA: L. Bellot
Date: 04/2013-03/2017

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)
Rosa Castro y Alicia Pelegrina