
Chinese and Japanese texts documented the appearance of a supernova in the year 1181, and now the remnant of that explosion is located



This virtual creation offers the possibility of moving forwards and backwards through the history of the universe, thus allowing the evolution of its structure to be studied on a large scale.

The simulation, which has been developed in collaboration with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), can be consulted free of charge in the cloud.

The IAA-CSIC heads one of the eleven articles that make up a special issue of the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics on the results of LOFAR



Based on the use of hyperspectral images and data processing with advanced statistics and artificial intelligence, it has been successfully applied in two synthetic models of SARS-CoV-2. The research, which continues in humans, has been funded by the Carlos III Health Institute and has made it possible to patent a technique capable of simultaneously analyzing numerous samples without the need for contact or reagents

The Perseids are produced by the impact in our atmosphere of fragments of the meteoroid cloud of Comet 109P / Swift-Tuttle, and are also recorded on the surface of the Moon. During the peak, around August 11, up to fifty perseids per hour can be observed in places away from light pollution

The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) is involved in developing a theory that supports the hypothesis that planets affect the Sun's magnetic activity. It shows how the small influence of the planets could set a rhythm in a system like the Sun that, if confirmed, would allow events such as solar storms to be predicted more accurately 

The IAA-CSIC participates in two articles that disseminate the discovery of the shortest gamma ray burst (GRB) produced by the death of a massive star ever detected



The Sombrero galaxy, a strange hybrid between a spiral and an elliptical galaxy, has been observed in detail to look for clues about its formation process. A large elliptical structure surrounding the galaxy, the product of a minor merger with another galaxy, has been characterised, but the origin of its shape remains unknown

The EHT collaboration, in which the IAA-CSIC participates, shows in unique detail the heart of Centaurus A, from which gigantic jets of matter emerge, giving it its characteristic appearance.




Its abundance in neutral hydrogen suggests that it is a group of galaxies in the process of formation




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