
Observations with the Kepler satellite allow surface activity to be found in stars where, according to theoretical models, it should not occur. In the sample highlights the star KIC 9716385, which presents, hidden between its pulsations, flares millions of times more intense than the solar ones

MAGIC telescopes, on the island of La Palma, detect photons in the range of teraelectronvolts in a gamma ray explosion (GRB), the product of the death of a very massive star. The detection, which requires contemplating new mechanisms in the energy production of GRBs, provides a fundamental perspective to complete our understanding of these events

Calar Alto Observatory opens a call for new instrumentation projects

An international group of astronomers led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía finds a periodic variation in the X-ray emission of the central star of the Eskimo Nebula.

This finding could confirm the hypothesis that there is a multiple system at the centre of the planetary nebula.


The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) sees first light. DESI, a project with the participation of the IAA-CSIC, will improve the understanding of the role of dark energy in the history of the expansion of the universe

  • GALACTICNUCLEUS will allow to study the stellar population surrounding the super-massive black hole of the galactic centre with unprecedented detail
  • The work, led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), offers the most extensive census of stars in the galactic nucleus recorded to date

CARMENES instrument, co-led by the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC), has detected a giant planet around a dwarf star from the Observatory of Calar Alto (Almería)

The planet could have been formed by the rupture of the disk around the star, and not by the accumulation of gas around a solid nucleus, as it is believed that gas giants form

The SUNRISE mirror, with a diameter of one meter, undergoes the aluminizing process as part of the preparations for the next mission flight.

A study offers new results on the "Stephan's Quintet", one of the most paradigmatic compact galaxy systems.

The paper, published in collaboration with the Laval University of Quebec, Canada, and the EEZA-CSIC, has been chosen as the cover for the Astronomy and Astrophysics magazine in its September issue (A&A, 629, A102, Duarte Puertas et al. 2019 )

The official delivery of these distinction to scientific excellence is celebrated in Madrid


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