The sixth edition of the Meeting on Fundamental Cosmology will take place in Granada on May 28-30, 2018. This follows previous meetings in Valencia (2013), Fuerteventura (2014), Santander (2015), Barcelona (2016) and Teruel (2017), and aims to provide a framework for discussing and exchanging ideas among the Spanish community of Physical Cosmology. The annual series of Meetings on Fundamental Cosmology provides a forum for discussing our challenges and opportunities, as a community, for the future.
During the meeting, we will review different aspects of particular interest in cosmology: large-scale galaxy and quasar surveys, gravitational waves, latest results and news from Planck and other CMB polarization experiments, the physics of recombination and the distortions of the CMB spectrum, the status of SKA and the prospects for understanding the cosmic dawn and the reionization of the universe, the detection of dark matter, the latest constraints on neutrino physics, and theoretical models of inflation and dark energy.
There will be some allocated time for short presentations, and young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) are particularly encouraged to ask for oral contributions.
The Red de Cosmología through project AYA2015-71855-REDT ‘Red de cosmología a través del fondo cósmico de microondas y la estructura a gran escala del universo’ has supported this meeting.
Scientific Advisory Committee
• Mar Bastero Gil (UGR, Granada)
• José Juan Blanco Pillado (Ikerbasque & UPV/EHU, Bilbao)
• Silvia Bonoli (CEFCA, Teruel)
• José Antonio Font (U. Valencia)
• Ricardo Génova Santos (IAC, Tenerife)
• Carlos Hernández Monteagudo (CEFCA, Teruel)
• Alexander Knebe (UAM, Madrid)
• Olga Mena (IFIC, Valencia)
• Jordi Miralda Escudé (ICREA_IEEC, Barcelona)
• Francisco Prada (IAA, Granada)
• Carlos Sopuerta (CSIC-IEEC, Barcelona)
• Patricio Vielva (IFCA, Santander)
Local Organising Committee
• Mar Bastero Gil
• Bert Janssen
• Pablo Sánchez Moreno
• Franscisco Prada
• Germán Martínez