Precision cosmology: now what?

The standard cosmological model (the LCDM model) has been established and its parameters are now measured with unprecedented precision. This model successfully describes observations from widely different epochs of the Universe, from primordial nucleosynthesis all the way to the present day.
However, there is a big difference between modelling and understanding. The next decade will see the era of large surveys; a large coordinated effort of the scientific community in the field is on-going to map the cosmos producing an exponentially growing amount of data. But precision is not enough: accuracy is also crucial. The "unreasonable effectiveness” of the LCDM model offers challenges and opportunities. I will present some of the lines of enquiry explored by my group in this direction.

16/09/2021 - 12:30
Dra. Licia Verde
Instituto de Ciencias del Cosmos (ICC), Universidad de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain
