SO Colloquia: FPGAs in space: current experiences, future challenges and opportunities

FPGAs are key components in space equipment due to their versatility and performance to implement digital functions. They are embarked in satellites and used in many applications; such as observing the earth, provide telecommunications and navigation services as well as to contribute to science and explore the wider Universe. The FPGAs face very different conditions in space compared to the terrestrial applications, especially due to the radiation environment, which limits the selection of the FPGAs that can be used.

This talk will provide an overview of the current use of FPGAs in ESA missions and a short introduction to the radiation effects in the FPGAs, how they are analysed, tested and mitigated.

The emerging private space industry or "new space", as well as, the nanosatellites have different requirements than the class 1 programmes. The points presented are becoming even more relevant and are including new challenges.

07/10/2019 - 12:30
Merodio Codinachs
European Space Agency (ESA)
