
A map of ionized helium in the galaxy has just been published which indicates the presence of peculiar stars similar to the first that ever shone in the universe

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the largest research infrastructure ever developed, has already a final design for the first phase of the project

When observed in the ultraviolet range, Venus’ atmosphere reveals to be covered by a dark Y-shaped cloud whose origin and evolution have remained unexplained up to date


High resolution observations using the HINODE satellite reveal the existence of small magnetic elements inside solar supergranules

Its atmosphere has been analized during an eclipse of Ganymede, the third satellite of the gas giant

Researchers are studying images of a mysterious bulge that rose up more than 200 km from the surface

IRAS 15103-5754, a star observed as it was turning into a planetary nebula, yields new clues as to the death of stars akin to the sun

A detailed study on the multiple star system led by Spanish astrophysicists has identified the period, mass and emission of high energy photons of the main stars of the system

Science magazine publishes special edition on findings of Rosetta, on orbit around comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko since August 2014


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