
Space eye with 34 telescopes will investigate one million stars Spain participaes actively in the mission


It has been discovered that characteristics present at the start of a star’s life disappear during their adult life and re-emerge during their neutron star or white dwarf phases


SN 2014J, discovered in galaxy M82, has mobilized experts from around the world. Pictures of the supernova were taken at the Estallidos Project site, coordinated by IAA, using the William Herschel telescope


The ‘Personal Space’ web application allows you to make a direct and personal connection to the universe by linking significant events in your own life with what was above you in the sky at that moment


The fourth year of this initiative, launched by IAA-CSIC and aimed at introducing secondary school students to the scientific method, begins tomorrow


Experts from around the world are meeting this week at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC) to discuss the progress made on the study of the centre of our galaxy


ISON will brush past the sun on 28 November next and will provide an outstanding opportunity to study the evolution of a new comet, recently arrived from the boundaries of the solar system


Developed at the Calar Alto Observatory, ALHAMBRA has identified, classified and calculated the distance of more than half a million galaxies distributed in eight different celestial regions


Spanish researchers and engineers will participate in the design of antennas, data transmission, and telescope management and monitoring software


Using the ALMA telescope, it has been possible to observe NGC 1433 in detail, which presents a complex system of rings, bars and spirals that guide gas toward the central supermassive black hole



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