
SO-102 revolves around the Milky Way´s supermassive black hole in 11,5 years. The star may help test the laws of gravity under extreme conditions and understand the role supermassive black holes play in the center of galaxies


The fraction of core-collapse supernovae that remain undetected due to obscuration by dust reaches one in five for nearby galaxies and four in five for distant galaxies. The number of detected supernovae helps determine the cosmic star formation history


MACS1149-JD, a very faint galaxy, will provide clues about the reionization


The Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia(IAA-CSIC) coordinates different activities in defense of investment in science: concentrations, a flash mob and outreach on the street to raise awareness of the importance of research.


The star's magnetic field, 20.000 times stronger than the Sun's, is slowing the star's rotation


The Spanish astronomy, technological centers and companies come together in the international project SKA, a network of radioastronomy sensors on a continental scale


Gaia-ESO, one of the largest and most ambitious ground-based surveys, will study 100.000 stars in our Galaxy


The IAA has been involved in the most comprehensive study to date on the ice. The work, which involved 17 scientists from 11 countries collected what are the current issues that exist in this field of research


Guided tours to the Sierra Nevada Observatory and the Institute of Millimeter Radio Astronomy


The PIIISA 2012 project ended yesterday. A project that aims to join high school students with the professional investigators.



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