The VLASS is part of a new generation of radio sky surveys. It covers the entire sky above -40 degrees declination. Observations started with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in 2017 and the first epoch covering the entire survey area will be completed by July 2019. This will be followed by two more complete passes with an anticipated completion by 2024. In comparison to previous surveys, the observations are performed at 2-4 GHz and at arcsecond angular resolution, which will be complementary to SKA pathfinder surveys. In my talk I will provide an overview of VLASS, showcase some of the data products it will generate, how to access early data products such as quicklook images, showcase some of the science cases, and how you are able to get involved. Inspired by the success and capabilities of the VLA and Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), the NRAO and US community started to consider the next steps into the future. This led to development of the next generation Very Large Array project under leadership of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. In the second half of my talk I will outline the baseline design of the ngVLA that has been developed over the past couple years and will be submitted to the US 2020 decadal planning process. In particular highlighting some of the technical challenges we anticipate to overcome in the coming years and synergies it would provide with the SKA.